First Time Students Specialized Advising

What to Expect

Registration Process

  1. Apply to Jacksonville University.
  2. Get accepted.
  3. Submit your seat deposit.
  4. Complete the Academic Preferences Questionnaire (APQ) sent to you by Admissions.
  5. The Registrar will develop a preliminary course schedule for you.
  6. You will receive an email invitation from the Academic Advising Center inviting you to make an appointment.
  7. Schedule an advising appointment.
  8. Meet with an academic advisor to review your schedule, make any necessary adjustments, engage in academic planning, and answer any questions you may have.

How to Prepare for Your Advising Appointment

  • Make sure you know what type of appointment you have scheduled (phone, web, in-office)
  • Be available at your scheduled appointment time. 
    • Phone: while we are working remotely, you may receive a call from an unknown number. Please answer.
    • Web: make sure you have the link to join the web meeting. It can be found in the confirmation  email you received when you scheduled the appointment. If you do not have the link, contact the advisor prior to the appointment.
  • Have access to a computer or tablet to access and navigate resources.
  • Know your JU student ID number, password, and login information. For help, contact Information Technology.

Tips for Parents & Family

You are a valuable source of support and information for your student. Helping them transition to college and take responsiblitiy as adults is one of the best ways you can help as they begin their college journey! We are happy to provide you information and resources to help your student, but encourage you to reinforce the need for your student to contact and work with us directly. Some tips to assist your student:

  • Encourage your student to:
    • Contact university resources directly
    • Ask questions 
    • Establish strong relationships with advisors and faculty.
    • Get involved in campus clubs and organizations - this provides another connection to campus plus career-related exposure and skills.
    • Seek help with difficult classes - tutoring, study skills, test taking, and time management assistance are all available on campus.
  • Maintain open communication about grades and academic progress.
  • Although it may seem helpful, refrain from selecting or choosing a major for your student. Instead, help your student focus on personal interests, skills, like and dislikes, and how these fit with the world of work.


Please feel free to ask any and all questions by calling an academic advisor or sending an email to Welcome to JU, and go Dolphins!

Quick question? Need a simple response, fast? Join the waitlist for a call. Open only during business hours.

Related Links


Academic Advising

Office location

Howard Administration Building, first floor

Office hours

Mon – Fri, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.